Using email to reach your subscribers

In a continuous effort to make Pushed easier to use for our customers, we have enabled a new target_type that will enhance user targeting.

If you need to send a notification to a certain user, you now have three options: using email, PushedID or OAuth token

It is pretty simple to explain :) If you know the email of the user that is subscribed to your channel, you can directly send notifications to them using the following request:

curl -X POST -s \   

–form-string “app_key=your_app_key” \   

–form-string “app_secret=your_app_secret” \   

–form-string “target_type=email” \   

–form-string “” \   

–form-string “content=Your notification content.” \

In our docs, you can find multiple examples of sending a push message using user-based targets.

Happy pushing!


If you can’t find what you’re looking for in the documentation, please contact us.